Campaign API
This OpenAPI specification outlines three endpoints for managing campaign data. Here’s a summary of each endpoint’s function and details:
/campaign2s - GET
• Purpose: Lists campaign objects, providing a summary of campaign details.
• Parameters:
• datasource (Referenced from parameters).
• name: (Optional) Filters campaigns by name.
• page: Sets the page index for paginated results.
• pageSize: Sets the number of results per page.
• Response:
• 200: Returns a JSON object containing:
• total: Total number of campaigns found.
• payload: An array of campaign objects, each including _id, name, currentTask (object with task status), and contactCount (total contacts in the campaign). -
/campaign2s/{id} - GET
• Purpose: Retrieves detailed information on a specific campaign by id.
• Parameters:
• datasource (Referenced from parameters).
• id: (Required) Unique identifier of the campaign.
• Response:
• 200: Returns a JSON object containing:
• payload: A single campaign object with:
• _id: Campaign ID.
• name: Campaign name.
• desc: Campaign description.
• currentTask: Call status. -
/campaign2s/{id}/contacts - POST
• Purpose: Allows modifications to campaign contacts, such as adding, updating, deleting, or shuffling.
• Parameters:
• datasource (Referenced from parameters).
• id: (Required) Campaign ID.
• Request Body:
• Contains options for contact modifications:
• append: Array of contacts to add.
• update: Object of contacts to update, using IDs as keys.
• remove: Array of contact IDs or phone numbers to delete.
• shuffle: Boolean to shuffle contacts, based on append presence.
• Response:
• 200: Returns a JSON object containing:
• payload: The campaign details with properties _id, name, desc, and currentTask.
Example CURL:
curl --location '<CAMPAIGNID>/contacts?db=<companyDB>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Taalk_Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"append":[{"firstName":"Test","lastName":"Test","phone":"<phone>","Taalk_Address":"123 Main Street", "Taalk_State":"NC", "Taalk_Date":"11/03/2024"}]}'